Saturday, December 10, 2011

Sterling Fusion Nano Dry

This I Sterling's Fusion Nano Dry rope.  It is 9.2mm, and can cost anywhere from $181.95, to $264.95, depending on the length of the rope, or whether they call it "dry" or not.  It seems like a very good rope, it's lightweight, durable, and it's #9 on Amazon's top 20 ropes list.  I don't know that their's much of a difference between the "dry" rope and the ones that aren't but the not-dry ones are cheaper, so I would get one of those.  It is available in 60m, 70m, and 80m.


  1. nano is 9.2 and only comes dry treated XD

  2. Yes sorry, it is 9.2mm. I was looking on their website however, and they did have options for the same rope, but not dry treated. Thank you for the correction.
